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Take One Photo Every Day

Put Coins of Time into Piggy Bank

Developing a Habit: Documenting Life’s Moments

Eight and a half years ago, I started the habit of journaling. Two years ago, I added the goal of taking at least one video or photo each day. Each journal entry captures the flow of my thoughts and emotions, while every photo encapsulates the essence of life, preserving moments in pixels.

As the saying goes, “People won’t rise early without a reward.” We often seek immediate positive feedback to stay motivated, especially when life gets busy. When I first started journaling, I doubted myself: can I really keep up with this habit when most days are just a repeat of daily routines? Overcoming these doubts not only strengthened my resolve but also made me appreciate the power of persistence. Every time I conquered laziness and hesitation, it was a small victory for myself.

Cultivating Focus: Capturing Life’s Highlights

Photography demands focus. Every day, I search for that unique shot that represents my daily experience. It could be the gentle morning light through the curtains, hurried pedestrians on city streets, or an elderly person deep in thought on a park bench. I’m always ready to capture these moments worth remembering. This daily ritual not only enhances my focus but also helps me truly live in the moment, learning to appreciate and cherish everything around me. Through the lens, I rediscover the overlooked beauty in life.

A Vessel of Memories: Preserving the Passage of Time

The significance of photography lies not just in showcasing skills but in being a simple yet effective way for ordinary people to document life. Compared to the mental effort required for journaling, photography is a low-cost yet highly rewarding means of preserving memories. Life is filled with unexpected goodbyes—some people we may never see again, some joyous times may never return. Through photos, we can freeze these precious people and moments in time, providing warm comfort in our future recollections.

Each journal entry, each photo, is a milestone on the journey of life. They not only document my growth but also reveal how to find meaning and beauty in everyday life. Through this ongoing documentation, I am not just preserving memories; I am writing my life story, creating a unique personal history.

Keeping a record of life is not only for reminiscing but also for the day years from now when I look back at my life, reliving those moments of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, and appreciating the preciousness of time. This journey is a conversation with myself, an adventure exploring the essence of life. And this is when the positive feedback from my habit of documentation truly blossoms.